Sunday, June 29, 2014

take a shower, won't you dare?

I want to properly introduce the page and I want it to come out really neat. But to my desperation, after so many drafts and hours spent working on it, I’m still not satisfied with the result. Makes me wonder, why I love writing when it is so tormenting?…hmmm… A perfect introduction, huh!!  It’s much the same  like sitting on a job interview and being asked for a self-introduction, you came in all prepared of course, but when the question was actually fired, whoah! panic hits and you start blabbing and blabbing, making a total fool of yourself…Ahahaha…

But I’m meeting the challenge head on, so here; Kurdapya's blog is now officially titled "LiquidSunshine". and it kicks off an introductory post expressed in 7 photographs. I figured it will be lighter shown than merely verbally narrated. Here it goes...

Yes, the world could be too ugly with strife and hunger and all sorts of injustice...and yes, this could cut deeply as to make one even more apathetic...yet somehow, without trying to say all is easy and blissful and the world is rosy pink... we should aspire to see life as seen by a child with wondering eyes...try..

No one else will decorate our walls except us.. we could.leave it empty or have it full,....we should select carefully  what images to collect.... some must be dealt  keenly while others with just a glance...see the colors of silence, listen to rainbows' the mystery... create a little heaven to calm your spirit...and find your room to pray!
It's not the destination but the journey, may look endless....but you know it's while you're still engaged by life with it's roller-coaster ride....enjoy the trip! ... and after taking the too many roads wandering, find the one that leads you  home...
and this is only half the face of my home (mother's side)... i couldn't find one showing my father's clan....i promise to add it soon as i find one.... (you're not asking, but i am that little girl with a toy gun...thank you!) ahahaha... and i know they are just faces to you... but to me they are bits and pieces of  who i am... my well of inspiration... ( diko, kua boy, myself, oyeth, luisa, ate eva, inang, ite with one of the twin, mama with the other twin baby sis and nanay with my baby brother bong)

And, just like everyone else's family, mine is imperfectly perfect as well... meet my siblings  please; bong, len, myself, emman, lisa and wiwit...growing up i realized there is no truth with what people say, that in all families, there is always one child who'd turn a black sheep...nope! so untrue!.. how could it be just one mine there are six! ...ahahaha... we're different but are the playmate for life!! my forever bastion of love and reason to be childlike in spirit... thank you Lord!!!
Even nature lucidly implies, we should never ever lose HOPE no matter what... there may be a looming storm...but the sun is relentless.... and sometimes, in rare instances, it rains even when the sun is out shining.. .creating an awesome magical down-pouring of  liquidsunshine....  oh please allow it, come out in the rain and play...later it will stop....and who knows when it will happen now...while it's here...while it's pouring....lose yourself!....take a shower, won't you dare?
I urge family and friends and anyone else interested to write and share a post of any interest here...the door is widely open for contributions...unleash your creative power and share your thoughts... This blog belongs to the whole tribe!...

Thank you for coming around this corner...and hope you'd stay...

Welcome to LiquidSunshine everyone!!!

... PEACE to us all!!!!


Sunday, June 22, 2014

I am Home

Just when it seems like the net had been saturated with everything, all topics that can be talked about under the sun, here i am, starting my own blog. A late bloomer. I hope i didn't come all that too late though. I am technically new with blogger’s page. Still am finding my way through the buttons here. Like I really wanted to title my blog “a taste of liquid sunshine”, but have not discovered yet how to do it. Well i guess, that’ll be fine, I’ll get there in time I know (with fingers-crossed). For now it will be called Kurdapya’s blog, and yeah I’m cool with it. The main thing is to get started already. I figured if I’ll wait until I got everything perfectly in place, I may never get to start at all. Perfect is such a scary word I think. It’s like waiting for some wonderful things to happen before one decides to walk out in the open and actually experience life as it comes. Truth is nothing wonderful happens when one merely waits. So then now, I am allowing myself to mess up a little bit and blog to my heart’s desire. Bear with me please and thank you for gracing my page.

I have thought of an opening post and had it ready to be copy pasted, but alas! I couldn’t work out how to delete my first attempted post a months ago (ahaha my bad) Well now anyway, let me continue that interrupted blog and get to start the ball rolling, finally!

My recovery from a very bad fall, and getting back up, inspired the writing of this poem. Maybe not always, but life sometimes has a way of sorting out its own imbalance. and am so glad i've weathered the storm and was able to bounce back...and bounced back with a poem…

I am Home

A dance

in the stillness of solitude

A humming silence

serenading the moonless night


clothes the nakedness of prayers

The night

crawls with certainty

to the breaking dawn…

I have arrived.

I am home.